Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Kanye's Air Yeezy's : blech

topic: Nike Air Yeezy

i aint even gonna post a pic
cuz them shits is WACK.

raised nose to high snobiety for actually writing "dude has done enough in the Hip-Hop world to earn the right to “auto tune” it up."

ummm... what the hell does that quote even mean? is that like, "hes boned enough models and now he can suck some c*ck?" come on, guys. y'all know better than no try and justify an album that corny.

Even the new Pony collection is blowin those "Yeezy's" out of the box.

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Monday, March 2, 2009

Why won't Kanye stop singing?

He may have autotuning, but he needs something to autoclear his throat. He may need something to auto delete his entire 2008. OMG why is he sinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnging???? I used to think he was a talented producer that misguidedly pursued a career as a performer. Now i see that he cant possibly be a talented producer if he doesnt:
1- realize he sounds like shit WITH autotuning
2- understand that when people hear autotuning they know you CANT SING WITHOUT IT !!!

Come on. He's doing vocal exercise solos and really believing he's hitting the notes? Maybe he thinks the audience is too dumb to realize how terrible it is. Quite frankly, his whole album is an insult to an educated demographic and that brings up another point entirely. What is Kanye's demographic? I know what it isn't: vocalists.

When he talks about breaking new grounds as an artist, he may be referring to breaking new grounds of embarassment. I'd rather Milli Vanilli or Ashley Simpson at this point.


Thursday, December 4, 2008


i totally forgot to purchase the Stephen Colbert holiday album today...
but i feel compelled to buy it whether its even funny or not.
i cant help it. i am completely at his mercy.


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